Congratulations to Katie Rose and Bailey in the Run Hard Lexington 10K

Great job Katie Rose on setting a personal best 43:57 in the Run Hard Lexington 10K.  This was with her dog Bailey including a short break for Bailey to get a drink.

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Congratulations Eric Hardin at Ironman Florida


Great job Eric Hardin setting a personal best in Ironman Florida with a time of 12:08:43. It was a difficult day with rough seas and a strong headwind on the bike.  But through it all, you persevered.

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Congratulations to Jessica Jones in her 10th consecutive Bowling Green Half Marathon

Congratulations to Jessica and Ralph Jones in the Bowling Green Half Marathon.  Jessica completed her 10th consecutive Bowling Green Half Marathon.  She has participated in every occurrence since the inception.  Jessica finished in 2:27:25.

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Congratulations to Katie Rose and Bailey in the Go For The Grits 5K

Katie Rose took first overall female in the Go For the Grits 5K with her sidekick Bailey.  Katie's winning time was 21:28.  Great job Katie!

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Congratulations to Brent Millay in the Chilly Hilly 5K Trail Race

Congratulations to Brent Millay on racing the Chilly Hilly Trail 5K in a time of 31:33.  With patience and consistency, he overcame an injury and is back in great form.  Praise God that he was able to tow the line in this race.  

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Athletes and Coach Paula Race the Boston Marathon

Congratulations to Vicky Payne, Jennifer Falloway, and Coach Paula Roberts on qualifying and competing in the 125th Boston Marathon.  It was a long wait to get to the starting line in Hopkinton.  But it was worth the wait.  

And they were able to take in a Red Sox game at Fenway Park as a bonus.

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Lee Anderson and the Moab 240

Great job Lee Anderson on making it 196.75 miles.  This wasn't as far as you had hoped.  But you pushed yourself to extreme limits to make it that far.  Your support crew are very proud of you.

Listen to Lee's story:

Part 1

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Proud of our athletes in the Berlin Marathon

Congratulations to Vicky Payne, Jennifer Falloway, and Harpreet Minhas for their performances in the Berlin Marathon.  Vicky finished in 4:09:05.  Jennifer finished in 4:25:19. Harpreet finished in 5:42:17.

Listen to Harpreet's exciting race story in podcast episode #50.

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Great racing at the Try Knox Triathlon

Congratulations to Bethanie Roberts and Jessica Deckard for fantastic racing at the Try Knox Triathlon.  Bethanie placed second overall female and Jessica won her age division. 

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Dad and Daughter race the Owensboro YMCA Bar-B-Q 5K

Chaney Heady and her dad Chad raced together in the Owensboro YMCA Bar-B-Q 5K.  Isn't it great to be able to share training and racing with friends and family?

Together, they negative split the race and finished strong.  Chaney really showed her leg speed near the finish.

Great job Chad and Chaney!

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